27 September 2024
2024/07/02 - 19:29 View: 154


Iran Air #Flight655

35 years ago, 290 civilians fell victim to US state terrorism and the White House’s aggressive nature over the Persian Gulf. This crime was only a single manifestation of US violence against the Iranian people and against humanity.

 #American_human_rights: It’s enough to know that the US shot down a passenger plane in the Persian Gulf on July 3, 1988 and killed 290 people on board including women and children. Then it not only did not apologize, but also awarded the number one criminal behind this tragedy.

Iran Air #Flight655 was shot down by a missile fired from the Vincennes of the US Navy over the #PersianGulf on July 3, 1988, killing all its 290 passengers, 66 children. In a clear insult to Iranian nation, US officials awarded the captain of the US warship the Legion of Merit.

 After the shootdown of #Flight655 by the USS Vincennes and killing of all the 290 people on board, all the soldiers on the warship were decorated with Medals of Honor. Such medals are awarded in the US Navy mainly for acts of heroism or valuable services! #American_human_rights

Decorating Captain William Rogers with a medal for killing 290 civilians & deliberately shooting down an Iranian Airbus is a manifestation of state terrorism, clearly shows the aggressive nature of the US & in contradiction with the international law.


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